The International History Bee and Bowl has finished its first year of Regional tournaments in Australia! Our three regional tournaments ran throughout the week of 8-11 September in New South Wales, South Australia, and Victoria – congratulations to our inaugural year champions:

New South Wales Junior Varsity History Bowl: Kingswood High School A
New South Wales Junior Varsity History Bee: Michael Meijer, Kingswood High School
New South Wales Middle School History Bowl: Fort Street High School B
New South Wales Middle School History Bee: Owen McKittrick, Wauchope High School

South Australia Junior Varsity History Bowl: Blackwood High School
South Australia Junior Varsity History Bee: Ethan Keen, Blackwood High School
South Australia Middle School History Bowl: Blackwood High School
South Australia Middle School History Bee: Kingsley Rosman, Blackwood High School

Victoria Junior Varsity History Bowl: Tintern Schools
Victoria Junior Varsity History Bee: Alan Wu, Tintern Schools
Victoria Middle School History Bowl: Camberwell High School D
Victoria Middle School History Bee: Cameron Lee, Camberwell High School

Thanks to our host schools- Kingswood High School in New South Wales, Blackwood High School in South Australia, and Kingswood College in Victoria – for all their help in bringing IHBB to Australia for the first time, and thanks to all our inaugural year participants! While IHBB staff were in Australia for the events, we also visited with eleven other schools who are looking to begin participating next year, so for 2015, we’ll be in great shape. For further questions about any aspects of our events, please contact
Thanks again for your support and we hope that everyone who came had a great time!